Episode 104: Living your best life when you’re the f-ing worst, with Laura Belgray



Have you ever wondered who comes up with the witty and compelling promos for your favorite  television shows?  Well, today we have the answer, our latest guest, that’s who!  In this episode we talk with Laura Belgray about Living your best life when you’re the f-ing worst.  She talks about her journey from copywriting to finding her own authentic voice in her new book;  connecting with fellow late bloomers through her personal storytelling, and how she encourages others to be unapologetically and authentically themselves, flaws and all.

Website: www.talkingshrimp.com

Pre-order Tough Titties Book: www.toughtitiesbook.com


 “I was insubordinate, I couldn't follow the chain of command, I thought everything should be written in a funny, sassy, and personable tone, which I still believe.”

“There was a moment where it's like, I don't want to be known as so and so's copywriter or anybody's anything, I want to be known as Laura f-ing Bell gray!”

“Getting paid to be me, that is the true Holy Grail of work. I mean, getting paid to watch Real Housewives is great. But getting paid to be yourself is the ultimate.”

“I say ‘tough titties’ to most of the supposed to’s in life.”

“Being an adult and being a personal brand requires us to shake off that conceit, that idea that being disliked is going to ruin our life.”


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