Episode 11: How to Conquer Worry during a Pandemic, with Jay Coulter


Jay Coulter

Danielle and Kristy sit down with Jay Coulter, founder of conquerworry.org, a global platform for mental health information. and author of the book Conquer Worry. We talk about strategies (also known as Protocols) that can be used to reduce stress. In the book Jay calls it the ‘Protocol System’ - a process where you pick 5 strategies and do them for 30 days to see how you feel. During a high-stress time like a pandemic, you may want to focus on just one protocol to get started.

Top 5 Protocols during a Pandemic

  1. Cardio Exercise - Move your body

  2. Social Ping - Pick up the phone or video chat

  3. Nutrient Bomb - A smoothie or vegetable heavy salad

  4. Executive Meditation - Start with a guided meditation if this is new to you

  5. Media Diet - Stop watching the news!

Resources from this episode (some of the things we talked about):

Conquer Worry, S. Jay Coulter

Never Eat Alone, Keith Ferrazzi

The 4-Hour Workweek, Tim Ferriss

Better than Before, Gretchen Rubin


Episode 12: Finding Joy in the Workplace, with Carolynn Morris


Episode 10: Combatting Negative Self-Talk, with Chanee Momoko