127. Joy is a Human Right, with Tanmeet Sethi, MD
Pain can be found in every corner of our world, but so can joy. Today’s guest encourages us to seek the joy from within and harness it in powerful and life changing ways. In this episode we talk with Tanmeet Sethi, MD on the topic of Joy as a Human Right. During this moving and powerful discussion, Dr. Sethi explains the difference between happiness and joy; offers tips to those who aren’t sure how to begin tapping into their own joy; and discusses the current inequities and stigmas surrounding access to mental healthcare and the use of psychedelics as a treatment option.
Quote: “Every system of oppression and suffering has stripped us of our full humanity and reclaiming that – reclaims our power.”
Guest website: https://www.tanmeetsethimd.com/
Buy the Book: Joy Is My Justice
Use these prompts to have the opposite of small talk about living a sabbatical life.
Do you believe that joy is something that every human has access to?
Do you think that you let yourself feel joy fully? When was the last time you felt joyful?
What are your thoughts about taking psychedelic drugs to relieve mental illnesses?