150. Gravitas: Living a Life of Self Assurance with Lisa Sun

Have you ever heard the saying, be your own biggest fan?  That type of self confidence and assurance can be attainable according to our latest guest.  In this episode, we discuss the topic of Gravitas: Living a Life of Self Assurance with entrepreneur and author, Lisa Sun.  Lisa shared how we can learn a lot from the self-confidence displayed by 5 year olds; we discuss the eight types of confidence “superpowers” and Danielle and Kristy’s results from the superpower quiz; and examples of ways in which we can do the work and reflection needed to shift our mindset and come to our place of personal gravitas.  

Guest’s website: ABOUT GRAVITAS (gravitasnewyork.com)

Gravitas: The 8 Strengths That Redefine Confidence


“Immigrants believe in things before they can see them, they create something from nothing.”

“Gravitas is not a state of being, it’s a way in which we can live life.  Life doesn’t get easier, we have to get stronger.”

“So much of the time we use demography as a way to connect with others and I think we should use values and stories as a way to do that.”

“To be truly confident, it’s an approach, not a state of being.”


Use these prompts to have the opposite of small talk in real life.

  • Is there a time in your life, so far, where you’ve felt the most self-confident?

  • Do you feel more or less confident than you felt 10 years ago?

  • Do you feel less confident in a room full of strangers or a room full of friends?  Why?

  • Are your closest friends, ones that you share values or demographics with?

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151. #Kristy: Be Funny at Work


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