158. Effective Negotiation with Fotini Iconomopoulos

Most of us have experienced a significant amount of high stakes and low stakes negotiation in our personal lives, even when we don’t realize it.  Whether it is negotiating the terms of a contract with a client, negotiating bedtime with a child, or negotiating a better deal at the car dealership it can feel daunting.  Today’s guest, Fotini Iconomopoulos, best selling author of, “Say Less, Get More: Unconventional Negotiation Techniques to Get What You Want,” Fortune 50 advisor, coach, and speaker, brings her decades of impressive corporate experience and a ton of real world applicable advice to our conversation on the topic of Effective Negotiation.    

Guest’s Website:  Home - Fotini (fotiniicon.com)

Quiz:  What's Your Negotiation Style Quiz - Fotini (fotiniicon.com)

The Opposite of Small Talk Live:  Live Podcast Event — The Opposite of Small Talk Podcast

Kristy’s Work Journal:  Work Journal — Kristy Olinger


“We want to learn to just be quiet and be comfortable with the proposal, with the information, with everything that's going on, in that.   Just get comfortable being uncomfortable.”

“Be curious about the person on the other side.”

“They psyched themselves up instead of psyching themselves out.”

“A successful negotiation is where everyone [involved] feels satisfied.”

“Your gut is informed by your brain that has been receiving all sorts of unconscious messages, and that helps you determine the appropriate next step.”


Use these prompts to have the opposite of small talk in real life.

  • What has been the most difficult experience you’ve had with negotiation?  What has been the most rewarding? 

  • Have you found yourself preparing for a negotiation beforehand?  Follow this conversation will you be more likely to psych yourself up and prepare ahead?

  • What lessons or advice did you find most helpful from this episode’s guest?

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157. Nurturing a Growth Mindset with Collin Henderson