Episode 29: Love Addiction, with Katie Grimes


Danielle and Kristy talk to Katie Grimes, an International Sober Dating Coach, about love addiction and why she doesn’t want you to be “drunk in love.” We talk about the ways love addiction can manifest in your life, the difference between chemistry and connection, and how to move forward to find healthy relationships.

Also in this episode, we get curious about why single people don’t tend to include pictures in holiday cards and Kristy shares a holiday card related life hack.

Notable quotes and discussions in this episode:

7:30 Love addiction is a compulsive need to do something, anything to be loved. You hope that those things that you do will make you feel good enough, but they actually make you feel bad. 

15:00 I don't want you to be drunk in love.  

16:30 Addiction walks around all of us. We're all addicted to something, meaning we are compulsively doing something because we think it's going to make us feel better.

17:30 Seeking validation can cause resentment and can cause you to overthink and overanalyze. 

18:45 People are so afraid to feel their feelings, because they are afraid they are going to feel pain.

27:00 Discussion on the difference between chemistry and connection.

Resources from this Episode

Katie Grimes: Website | Instagram

Al-Anon | Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous

Bullet Journaling


Episode 30: Year in Review


Episode 28: Black Binder, with Tovah Cook