Episode 50: Reflection and Gratitude to Reach New Heights, with Karl Staib


When something negative is weighing you down, your first instinct might not be to show gratitude. But that’s exactly what Karl Staib has found helpful in his life and recommends to clients with his Dig to Fly method. Karl is a speaker and coach that helps people understand their struggles and turn them into stepping stones. We talk about reflection and gratitude, meditation and journaling, and the benefits of an evening routine and managing your thoughts right before bed.

This is episode 50! We are so thrilled to hit this milestone. We appreciate you for listening and we want to know how to make the next 50 episodes even better.

Dig to Fly Website


Episode 51: Are You Saying ‘No’ Enough?, with Becky Morrison


Episode 49: Embracing your Everyday Creativity, with Dr. Caroline Brookfield