Episode 71: Ask Like An Auctioneer, with Dia Bondi


Dia Bondi

After attending auctioneering school for fun, Dia Bondi translated the techniques she learned into a program called Ask Like an Auctioneer that prepares women to ask for more and leave nothing on the table. In this episode, Dia shares what the zone of freaking out is and why it’s a good thing, the importance of knowing the why behind your ask, and how shaping your question to get a yes is limiting your potential.


Notable Quotes
“The learning takes place in the doing.”

“We often constrain the size of an ask by the amount of courage we have to make it.”


Dia Bondi Bio

For the last 20 years, some of the highest profile, most extraordinary world leaders, CEOs, philanthropists, visionaries and innovators have considered Dia their secret weapon. Over thousands of coaching sessions, she’s been in their corner, behind the curtain, helping them tap into their power and move their businesses forward.

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