Episode 14: Meeting the Needs of the People you Lead, with Dr. John Stubblefield


Danielle and Kristy sit down with Dr. John Stubblefield to discuss how to lead others through meeting their needs for safety & belonging, clarity, boundaries, and significance. Danielle gives us a life hack about listening to music.

Notable quotes

4:04 Dr.JS: The fear of failure is intricately connected to a fear of rejection. They feel fear of failure because [they are] thinking, “if I mess up, I'll be rejected.” And so therefore they never do their best. If you have a group that has high levels of security and psychological safety, people are more willing to take appropriate risks because they're not going to fear being rejected.

19:21 DR.JS: Too often people are valued for what they do; what grade did you earn? How many points did you score in the game? How much was that last deal worth? Successful leaders recognize the difference between someone's best work and their best performance. You can play a great game and still lose, but that doesn't mean you didn't give your best effort. 

22:59 KO: Some of the best leaders [not only] do an excellent job of relaying the mission and vision of the company, but also relay how it ties to what the people that work for them are doing on a day to day basis.

Resources from this episode:

Stubblefield Leadership

Universal Leadership Summary Page


Episode 15: Leading with Empathy, with Alain Hunkins


Episode 13: Sheltering at Home while Working