Episode 15: Leading with Empathy, with Alain Hunkins


In this episode Danielle and Kristy discuss empathy in leadership with Alain Hunkins. Alain is an author, keynote speaker, facilitator and coach that focuses on leadership. His new book Cracking The Leadership Code: Three Secrets to Building Strong Leaders launched as the #1 best selling new release in Business communication on Amazon.

Notable Quotes from Alain:

5:25 It’s important to put ourselves under the microscope, because if you don’t do that you can never develop conscious competence, which means you can’t repeat success. You just get lucky every so often.

7:40 As leaders, we can’t really motivate anybody else. What we can do is create the soil in which motivation is most likely to grow.

18:00 It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, we are all in the people business.

19:00 You don’t need to be a know-it-all, you need to be a learn-it-all. Be curious and listen with purpose.

20:40 Don’t see people as a human-doing, see them as human beings.

30:50 It’s up to the leader to set the tone for the level of honesty. People will only go as authentic and honest as you do as the leader.


Alain Hunkins

Cracking the Leadership Code (download the first chapter for free!)


Episode 16: Being your best philanthropic self, with Kate Morrison


Episode 14: Meeting the Needs of the People you Lead, with Dr. John Stubblefield