Episode 25: Resiliency, with Mary Jury


We talk with Mary Jury, an experienced consultant, coach, and certified Dare to Lead™ facilitator about what it means to be resilient and the importance of being radically responsible for what you are attracting in your life. Danielle and Kristy celebrate the 1 year anniversary of starting the podcast.

Notable Quotes

8:45 Be radically responsible for what you are attracting in your life. 

11:00 It has everything to do with looking inside. It's never about changing something outside to make you ok. 

19:45 What we haven’t been taught is what we have with ourselves is a relationship. The relationship we have with ourselves forms every other relationship we have. 

 27:45 Growth requires discomfort. We have to normalize discomfort.


Mary Jury Website


Episode 26: Crazy Busy is a Warning Sign, with Judy Dang


Episode 24: Imposter Syndrome, with Cheryl China