Episode 24: Imposter Syndrome, with Cheryl China


We interview Cheryl China, a Senior Vice President at Citizens Bank who despite career success found herself sometimes feeling like a fraud. Cheryl discovered that these feelings are normal and they even have a name, imposter syndrome. Kristy shares her experience doing a 24-hour marathon.

Notable Quotes:

8:00 min [Kristy] Earlier in my career I often used the word lucky to describe opportunities that I got, but what I found was that the harder I worked, the luckier I got.

11:00min [Cheryl] Even when we succeed we often wonder if we are qualified or deserving or if it’s just a matter of time before our shortcomings are found out.

18:00min [Cheryl] People are showing you only what they want you to see. You aren’t privy to all the details about the hard work it took to get to where they are and all the sacrifices they made.

27:00 [Kristy] An extreme physical challenge actually becomes a mental challenge. When we can show ourselves we can do hard things, that becomes something we can draw on later. It’s like the opposite of visualization. So when I encounter something that’s difficult in the future, I can think back to this event and say “I can do hard things.”


Tom Hanks video clip on feeling like a fraud

24 Hour Marathon video, Beau Miles


Episode 25: Resiliency, with Mary Jury


Episode 23: The Fine Art of Small Talk, with Debra Fine