Episode 111 Understanding Gray Area Drinking, with Nell Hurley


In 2020, many of us went from social drinking to socially isolated drinking.  In this episode we talk with Nell Hurley, a Gray Area Drinking Coach, about the topic of understanding our relationship with alcohol.  Nell shares her own relationship with sobriety, defines the terms Gray Area Drinking and sober curiosity, and offers advice for anyone who may think they fall into these categories.

Nell’s website: hurleyhealth.net/


Use these prompts to have the opposite of small talk in real life.

  • Was gray area drinking a term you were familiar with before today’s episode?  

  • Is sober curiosity something you’ve been interested in exploring, if you haven’t already?

  • How do you cope with difficult feelings or situations?  Do you have a hobby or interest, like Nell has with running, that offers you an outlet?

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112. #Kristy: How to Manage Up


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