Episode 34: Better Friendships, with Danielle Bayard Jackson


Danielle and Kristy talk to Danielle Bayard Jackson, author, podcast host, and certified coach specializing in female friendships. We talk about what a tough love friendship is, how to sustain friendships, and what Dunbar says about the cognitive cap on the number of friendships you can reasonably maintain. Kristy and Danielle also ponder what a mid-life crisis is and talk about plusses and deltas.

Notable Moments and Ideas:

8:00 We assume that female friendships should be easy. A lot of us don't even have a model of what a female friendship should look like. 

10:00 What is a tough love friendship? 

  1. Sharing - Is there space to share of yourself? Can you celebrate an achievement? Take risks?

  2. Affirming - Make the other person feel safe to share vs. centering on yourself

  3. Preserving - Keep any boundaries that you each need

  4. Challenging - Do we both feel safe enough to push back?

20:00 Tips for sustaining friendships

  • Have an attitude of curiosity (not assuming you know)

  • Commit to spending time on the friendship

  • Have self-awareness

  • Have an attitude of forgiveness


Danielle Bayard Jackson Website

Give It A Rest: The Case for Tough Love Friendships

Dunbar's Number
The 36 Questions that Lead to Love


Episode 35: Confronting Bias, with Janelle Scales


Episode 33: Navigating Self-Doubt, with Elaine Blais